Sandtray Therapy
What is Sandtray Therapy?
Sandtray Therapy was developed by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld in the 1920s. This type of play therapy provides therapists and clients with a tool to engage the emotional side of the brain. Through the use of various types of sand, miniatures (think action figures), and discussion, therapist and client are able to engage with the client’s world and perceptions to address issues of anxiety, depression, trauma, and so much more.

How does Sandtray Therapy Help?
Sometimes it is hard for us to connect with the emotions related to trauma, depression, etc.
Sandtray Therapy uses sand and miniatures to help us to connect with those emotions through representation and symbols. Through the process of choosing miniatures, creating the tray, and discussion of what is built, clients are able to process through strong emotions, trauma, and many other issues.